The CSPI Career test

The Career Selection and Purpose Inventory (CSPI) is a psychometrically reliable tool that aids in self-discovery to complete the process of selecting a career and finding individual purpose in life. The CSPI indicates that a person’s traits reflect a tendency toward two career categories, from which his or her career/s can be selected.

The CSPI traits include:

  • Personality. The qualities associated with career expectations.
  • Interests, which represent passion to accomplish career tasks.
  • Talents and Abilities. The natural gifts or talents necessary for excellence in the performance of specific tasks to advance career success.
  • Academic Performance. The experience of excelling in subject areas, generally in harmony with the other traits identified.
  • Opportunities and Views of Others. Inherent in this inventory is the fundamental concept that God orchestrates the opportunities a person is given with the circumstances of life in a specific direction, and speaks through the views of other people, all in accordance with the traits identified.

Time of Test Completion. The estimated time for completion of this inventory is 30-35 minutes.

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